• You may wonder where my name, Ed, comes from. Well, it all started in April 2006 when I decided to create a blog in French. I thought then that I would mainly talk about my job. Indeed I had been reading lots of blogs written by young colleagues, lots of whom seemed to find life difficult and sometimes sounded depressed, and I wanted to show the life of a mid-career teacher, in a not-so-awful high school. As a teacher I work for the National Education Ministry, in French "Education Nationale", which some of us nickname "Educnat". I thus chose that as a screen name. But soon I started to talk about many other things and often forgot the original aim of my blog. Some bloggers started calling me Ed. I didn't mind, though it is the name of a famous branch of cheap grocery supermarkets in France, and I guessed I'd soon become known as "Ed l'Epicier", which didn't suit me at all. Actually the name reminded me of a TV-series I used to watch when I was a child, in which the main character was a talking horse called Mr Ed. Then a kind and creative blogger made a banner for my blog, and that's how I became Ed the talking horse.

    Do you remember that series ?

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